Frequently Asked Questions
How to use existing wrf_geog ?
If you want to use an existing wrf_geog, copy it in domains/${dom}/geog_${dom}.nc. Be careful, islake is mandatory it can't be equal to -1.
Why imakeaemis is not use anymore?
This option made the code much more complex. The format of anthropogenic files from emisurf has changed to have 1 file by type day (very close to old AEMIS format). The list of files (ListEmisFiles) to be read by chimere is created by Easy to change.
2017010100 '/DATA/OUTPUTS/force_IDF5/tmp-force_IDF5_f_20231123_16-50/'
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2017010200 '/DATA/OUTPUTS/force_IDF5/tmp-force_IDF5_f_20231123_16-50/'