

Characterizing spatial-temporal evolution of atmospheric composition in the south cone with CHIMERE

Project summary

The CHIMERE model is a community model labeled by INSU/CNRS. Its development is performed by researchers from LMD and LISA in France. This numerical chemistry-transport model aims at modelling atmospheric composition from urban to hemispheric scale, for purposes of research and operational air quality forecast. This tool is adapted to study the evolution of the atmospheric composition in South-America and various processes specific to that region, in collaboration with research groups in Chile (Univ. de Chile) and Argentina (IRL IFAECI, CONAE). While CHIMERE is already used by these groups for research, the IRN framework would help further development of these collaborations with several scientific and pre- operational goals such as applying CHIMERE with newly developed national emission inventories for Argentina and Chile, design an operational forecast framework capable of representing wildfire and dust plumes, train students and researchers on the latest version of CHIMERE allowing for online simulations and thus permit studies on the feedback between meteorology and pollution. The project would create new links between LMD and IFAECI, strengthen the impact of IFAECI as a research hub on atmospheric composition and spread the use of CHIMERE in the region through a workshop and a formation aimed for researchers from South American countries.

Presentation of the project:

Coloquios DCAO/CIMA/IFAECI Dr. Sylvain Mailler y Dr. Guillaume Siour
September 4, 2024, Buenos Aires


A. Cholakian
S. Mailler
L. Menut
R. Pennel
G. Siour


N. Cosentino
F. De Vleeschouwer
G. Nicora
J. Pallotta
A. Pineda Rojas
F. Orte
L. Otero
G. Ulke


MF Garcia Ferreyra
M. Burgos
A. Bianco
M. Scavuzzo
M. Sgro
M. Aguilera

Univ. Chile

N. Huneeus
M. Opazo
V. Flores Aqueveque
N. Alamos

Anthropogenic emissions

Use CHIMERE with the newly available national+continental emission inventories
  • Chile, Argentina (national inventories)
  • PAPILA (continental)
Key persons:
Nicolas Huneeus, N. Alamos (U. Chile), S. Mailler, R. Pennel (LMD), G. Siour (LISA), F. Garcya Ferreyra (CONAE), ...

Wildfire emissions and forecast

Using the CAMS global fire emissions in the CONAE forecast. Key persons:
F. Garcia Ferreyra, M. Sgro (CONAE), L.Menut (LMD), ...

Process studies in South-America

  • Mineral dust
  • Volcanoes
  • Biogenic emissions (new Argentinian inventory)
Key persons:
N. Cosentino, G. Nicora (IFAECI), A. Cholakian, S. Mailler, L. Menut (LMD), V. Aqueveque (U. Chile), A. Bianco, M. Burgos (CONAE)

Spread the use of CHIMERE in South-America

  • Research on atmospheric processes
  • Operational forecasts (air quality, dust)
Key persons:
N. Huneeus (U. Chile), F. Garcia Ferreyra (CONAE), R. Pennel, S. Mailler (LMD), A. Pineda Rojas (IFAECI)

Main steps

  1. 2024
    • Adaptation of CHIMERE's preprocessor emiSURF to the Argentinian and Chilean inventories.
    • Kickoff meeting en Buenos Aires (Sept. 2, 2024): project participants
    • Collaborative activities in Buenos Aires + Cordoba
  2. 2025
    • Air quality simulations with CHIMERE including the new inventories
    • process studies (mineral dust, wildfires...)
    • Visits France -> Chile/Argentina or Chile/Argentina -> France
  3. 2026
    • WORKSHOP + formation (~50 persons)
    • postgraduate to PhD level course at the UBA to train young scientists to CHIMERE.
  4. 2027
    • Process studies (mineral dust, wildfires...)
    • collaboration for the implementation/upgrade of forecast applications with CHIMERE.
    • Visits France -> Chile/Argentina or Chile/Argentina -> France
  5. 2028
    • Process studies (mineral dust, wildfires...)
    • Visits France -> Chile/Argentina or Chile/Argentina -> France

Project documents

  1. Proposal: IRN-INSU-2023-Chimsur.pdf


Send an email to the CHIMSUR group:


Registration to receive the newsletter:


  1. Kick-off meeting: 2024-04-25_OnlineKickoff.pdf
  2. Buenos-Aires meeting of 2-3 September 2024:


    • Who? Dr. Enrique Puliafito (CONICET/UTN)
    • When? 23 May 2024, 13hs UTC
    • Title: Argentine high resolution emissions inventory for air pollution and climate change modelling
    • Who? Lic. Pablo Lichtig (Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina)
    • When? 22 August 2024, 13hs UTC
    • Title: Current challenges in Latin America in air quality modelling: the PAPILA project
    • Whom? Dr. Sylvain Mailler (LMD / École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) and Dr. Guillaume Siour (LISA / CNRS)
    • When? 3rd September 2024, 16hs UTC
    • Title: Modelling atmospheric pollution: recent advances with the CHIMERE model

CHIMERE tutorials

Sept. 4, 2024, tutorial hosted by CIMA (Buenos Aires).
Trainer : Guillaume Siour
Support team for the Hydra cluster : Claudio Mattara, Rodrigo Marquez, Gabriel Vieytes