New users: download model and registration on the users mailing list:

  • To access the source files and databases for the first time, you need to register filling out the form below.
  • Your data will be examined by the developers.
    Important notice: Your data will be approved only if:
    • Your first name and surname are completely filled
    • Your e-mail address is professional. Do not use a gmail, yahoo, hotmail... address.
    • Your address is complete: street number and name, city, zip code and country
    • Your organization is a private company or a university, school: please provide the full name
  • The response depends on the developers availability. Please wait for an answer. If approved:
    • you will receive your login/password to access the download page.
    • you will be included in the chimere-users mailing list:

Personal Information
CAPTCHA image sould be here

Subscription to the chimere-users mailing list