Download source code and databases

for v2023 version

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  • Known issues for the current version of the model can be seen here.
  • Reminder: The CHIMERE chemistry-transport model is a free-to-download model under the GNU General Public License (since 2000). This means that the development team provides the model, the corresponding documentation, subsequent bugfixes and version updates and all necessary inputs for a test run. We would like to kindly remind the users that while the development team tries their best to respond to issues arising in the model in its original form we will not respond to issues occurring after user-made modifications in the source code. If you encounter issues after modifying the source code, it is recommended to run the model in its original form before contacting the development team.
  • If you would like to contact the developers please follow the instructions here.
  • The documentation for this version is in PDF here: PDF
  • Other scripts are available here: Scripts
Description Archive name [size] Download
CHIMERE v2023r2 version (+ WRF 4.3 + OASIS3-MCT + XIOS) chimere_v2023r2.tar.gz [290 Mb]
The emiSURF anthropogenic emissions pre-processor emiSURF_v2023r1.tar.gz [23 Mb]
The CAMS 2 CHIMERE boundary-conditions pre-processor CAMS2CHIMERE.tar.gz [8 kb]
The CAMS fires emissions pre-processor emiFIRES_CAMSv2023r1.tar.gz [64 kb]
Databases for CHIMERE and WRF/WPS BIGFILES2023.tar.gz [24 Gb]
Databases for emiSURF emisurf_data.tar.gz [1.2 Gb]
Databases for MEGAN 2.1 (resolution 30") MEGAN2023.tar.gz [6.0 Go]
Databases globcover (resolution 300m) [7.9 Go]
Databases for urban simulations
CORINE landcover urban informations corine_frc_urb.tar [3.4Mo]
corine_modis21.tar [1.3Go]
corine_modis21_urb.tar [1.3Go]
README README_corine_geog [3ko]
Test cases
CHIMERE test case 1 (no nesting) TestCase2023r1.tar.gz [3.5 Gb]
CHIMERE test case 2 (with nesting) TestCase3Nests2023r1.tar.gz [41 Gb]
emiSURF test case TestCaseEMISURF2023r1.tar.gz [457 Mb]

The developers team acknowledge: Gabriele Curci for the biogenic emissions interface, Eric Chaxel for the WRF model meteorological interface, Christian Seigneur and Betty Pun (AER) for the reduced SOA scheme, Mian Chin and Paul Ginoux (NASA) for the GOCART aerosols concentrations fields used as boundary conditions, Sophie Szopa and Didier Hauglustaine (IPSL/LSCE) for the LMDz-INCA gas concentrations fields used as boundary conditions, Athanasios Nenes and the ISORROPIA team for the free use of ISORROPIA model, the EMEP-MSCWEST team ( for anthropogenic emissions database, the EMEP-MSCEAST team for benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(b)fluoranthene data (, Catherine Prigent for the aeolian roughness length data, [Prigent et al., 2012, Atmos. Meas. Tech.], Richard Engelen for the global concentrations dataset in the framework of the MACC project. This data set was provided by the MACC-II project, which is funded through the European Union Frame- work 7 programme. It is based on the MACC-II reanalysis for atmospheric composition; full access to and more information about this data can be obtained through the MACC-II web site (http://www., Emilie Journet and Yves Balkanski for the surface databases of the sol mineral composition, Claire Granier and the ECCAD plateform for the CAMS global emissions data. Alexis Squarcioni (CEREA)/ENPC) for the CORINE landcover database adapted to urban simulations.