Who are the model developers?
IPSL/LMD (technical coordinator)
CNRS Studies Engineer
              MAILLER Sylvain
MENUT Laurent
              PENNEL Romain
Polytechnique Research Engineer
SIOUR Guillaume
IPSL/LISA (model coordination)
CNRS Research engineer
Assistant Phys. Sorbonne Univ.

  How to contact the developers?
You can contact the developers, if you have questions about compilation, databases, parameterizations etc.:
chimere @ lmd.polytechnique.fr.

If you have a technical question, please follow this guideline:

  1. Re-compile and re-run the code using the --devel option. This will give you the code line number where th crash occurred and it could help you and us understand what goes wrong. To do so you need to
    1. add --devel at the end of the compilation command line, for example :
    2. ./build-chimere.sh --no-oasis --devel
    3. add --devel at the end of the execution command line :
    4. ./chimere.sh -par chimere.par.test.offline -todo f -startdate 2017010100 -hours 24 -restart yes -compil devel
    5. Run the model with the following command line to store the output on screen:
    6. ./chimere.sh -par ${parfile} -todo f -startdate ${curdate} -hours ${nh} -compil ${typmod} -restart ${chimrestart} 2>&1 | tee chimere_logfile.txt || exit 1
  2. Send the following files to the developers:
  3. chimere_logfile.txt

  How to communicate with other users?
For any discussion about the chimere use, you can exchange informations with the other users by sending a message to the users mailing list: chimere-users@listes.lmd.ipsl.fr. Your registration of the registration page automatically add your e-mail adress to the chimere-users mailing list.

  Scientific commitee
  • Bertrand BESSAGNET (JRC)
  • Anne Cozic (IPSL/LSCE)
  • Thomas DUBOS (IPSL/LMD)
  • Frédérik MELEUX (INERIS)
  • Isabelle PISON (IPSL/LSCE)
  • Jean Christophe Rault (IPSL/LATMOS)
  • Pasquale SELLITO (IPSL/LISA)
  Model code contributors
Some developments are performed in collaboration with several colleagues (researchers, PhD students and post-docs):
  • Lya Lugon, CEREA, development of the aerosols chemistry
  • Florian Couvidat, INERIS, development of the aerosols chemistry
  • Paolo Tuccella, University of l'Aquila, on going developments in the model
  • Jean-Louis Monge, IR CNRS, code development, until 2007
  • Bertrand Bessagnet (now at JRC,ISPRA), development of the aerosols chemistry and first wildfires emission module
  • Dmitry Khvorostyanov, IR CNRS, code distribution and development, from 2007 to 2017
  • Nadege Blond (LIV/CNRS): urban pollution and data assimilation
  • Isabelle Pison (LSCE): Inverse modelling
  • Gilles Forêt (LISA): Data assimilationv
  • Eric Chaxel 'Reponse Numerique' consulting: Meteorology (WRF)
  • Gabriele Curci (CETEMPS - L'Aquila): Biogenic emissions
  • Alma Hodzic (NCAR, Boulder): Aerosols chemistry
  • Cécile Honoré (Airparif): emissions, PREVAIR implementation
  • Frederik Meleux (INERIS): PREV'AIR
  • Robert Vautard and Matthias Beekmann (DR CNRS) designed the first model versions
  Data contributors
The CHIMERE model uses a lot of data kindly produced by colleagues. They correspond mainly to input data, boundary conditions. They agree to put their data on this web site for all users and we acknowledge them for this open view of research:
  • The roughness length for mineral dust emissions comes from the GARLAP dataset, described in [Prigent et al., 2012] and is provided by Catherine Prigent. For use of these data in your publication, please add the following sentence: Comparison of satellite microwave backscattering (ASCAT) and visible/near-infrared reflectances (PARASOL) for the estimation of aeolian aerodynamic roughness length in arid and semi-arid regions by [Prigent et al., 2012, Atmos. Meas. Tech.].
  • Surface anthropogenic emissions suite. Data are provided by EMEP, EDGAR, CAMS Global/regional anthropogenic emissions,
  • The gaseous species boundary conditions: data are provided by Didier Hauglustaine and Sophie Szopa (Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace / LSCE) using the LMDz-INCA model (see http://inca.lsce.ipsl.fr/)
  • The aerosol species boundary conditions: data are provided by Mian Chin (NASA) from monthly means calculated with the GOCART model (Ginoux et al., 2001, 2004, JGR)
  • The landuse data: USGS and GlobCover
  • The LAI from NASA/EOSDIS: [Yuan et al., 2011] and COPERNICUS: [Fuster et al., 2020]
  • The biogenic emissions factor: [Sindelarova et al., 2014]
  • The DMS sea surface concentrations: [Lana et al., 2011]
  • The CAMS Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) assimilates fire radiative power (FRP) [Kaiser et al., 2012]