Laurent MENUT
CNRS Research Scientist
[menut @]
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique
Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France [map]
[LMD webmail]
Research topics and recent results

Dynamics and chemistry-transport modelling with WRF and CHIMERE

  1. Menut L., A.Cholakian, R.Pennel, G.Siour, S.Mailler, M.Valari, L.Lugon and Y.Meurdesoif, The CHIMERE chemistry-transport model v2023r1, .Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 3645-3665,, 2024.
  2. Menut, L., Bessagnet, B., Cholakian, A., Siour, G., Mailler, S., and Pennel, R.:What is the relative impact of nudging and online coupling on meteorological variables, pollutant concentrations and aerosol optical properties?, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 3645-3665,, 2024.

Mineral dust

The list of my 20 mineral dust articles, with PDFs and abstracts.
  1. Menut, L., Variability and combination as ensemble of mineral dust forecast during the 2021 CADDIWA experiment, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 4265-4281, , 2023.
  2. Menut, L., Siour, G., Bessagnet, B., Couvidat, F., Journet, E., Balkanski, Y., and Desboeufs, K.: Modelling the mineralogical composition and solubility of mineral dust in the Mediterranean area with CHIMERE 2017r4, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 2051-2071, , 2020


  1. Menut, L., Cholakian, A., Siour, G., Lapere, R., Pennel, R., Mailler, S., and Bessagnet, B.: Impact of Landes forest fires on air quality in France during the summer 2022, ACP, , 2023.
  2. Menut L., G.Siour, B.Bessagnet, A.Cholakian, R.Pennel and S.Mailler, Impact of wildfires on mineral dust emissions in Europe, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD037395.

Experimental forecast


  1. Menut, L. and Khvorostyanov D. and Couvidat, F. and Meleux, F., Impact of ragweed pollen daily release intensity on long-range transport in western Europe, Atmosphere 2021, 12(6), 693; .
Model development
  • CHIMERE is regional chemistry-transport model designed to calculate atmospheric concentrations of pollutants from urban to hemispheric scales
  • web site
  • Wikipedia page: [Fr], [Eng]
  • Emisurf
  • The anthropogenic emissions pre-processor
  • (the code is freely available on the CHIMERE web page)
  • emifiresCAMS
  • Biomass burning: CAMS preprocessor
  • [program]
    (the code is freely available on the CHIMERE web page)
  • Backplumes
  • Plot backtrajectories using WRF or CHIMERE models outputs.
  • [program]
  • Characterizing spatial-temporal evolution of atmospheric composition in the south cone with CHIMERE
  • web page
  • Towards a new unstructured mesh model
  • web page
  • Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America and the Carribean
  • web page
  • Aerosol effects on tropical meteorology
  • web page
  • Scenarios emissions in the European megacities
  • Previous projects
  • NETDESA (2020-2022)
    Modeling air pollution in stable conditions
  • DACCIWA (2014-2018)
    Clouds-aerosols interactions in western Africa
  • CHARMEX (2013-2016)
    Atmospheric Chemistry over the Mediteranean Basin
  • APPAD (2012-2015)
    Analysis and previsibility of atmospheric aerosols dense plumes
  • CHEDAR (2014-2018)
    The Laki eruption modeling with WRF and CHIMERE
Maps, scripts, programs , pages in french