Laurent MENUT
CNRS Research Scientist
[menut @]
Research topics and recent results
Dynamics and chemistry-transport modelling with WRF and CHIMERE
- Menut L., A.Cholakian, R.Pennel, G.Siour, S.Mailler, M.Valari, L.Lugon and Y.Meurdesoif, The CHIMERE chemistry-transport model v2023r1,
.Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 3645-3665,, 2024.
- Menut, L., Bessagnet, B., Cholakian, A., Siour, G., Mailler, S., and Pennel, R.:What is the relative impact of nudging and online coupling on meteorological variables, pollutant concentrations and aerosol optical properties?, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 3645-3665,, 2024.
Mineral dust
list of my 20 mineral dust articles, with PDFs and abstracts.
- Menut, L., Variability and combination as ensemble of mineral dust forecast during the 2021 CADDIWA experiment, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 4265-4281,
, 2023.
- Menut, L., Siour, G., Bessagnet, B., Couvidat, F., Journet, E., Balkanski, Y., and Desboeufs, K.: Modelling the mineralogical composition and solubility of mineral dust in the Mediterranean area with CHIMERE 2017r4, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 2051-2071,
, 2020
- Menut, L., Cholakian, A., Siour, G., Lapere, R., Pennel, R., Mailler, S., and Bessagnet, B.: Impact of Landes forest fires on air quality in France during the summer 2022, ACP,
, 2023.
- Menut L., G.Siour, B.Bessagnet, A.Cholakian, R.Pennel and S.Mailler, Impact of wildfires on mineral dust emissions in Europe, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD037395.
- Menut, L. and Khvorostyanov D. and Couvidat, F. and Meleux, F., Impact of ragweed pollen daily release intensity on long-range transport in western Europe, Atmosphere 2021, 12(6), 693;
Model development
- CHIMERE is regional chemistry-transport model designed to calculate atmospheric concentrations of pollutants from urban to hemispheric scales
- web site
- Wikipedia page: [Fr], [Eng]
- Emisurf
- The anthropogenic emissions pre-processor
- (the code is freely available on the CHIMERE web page)
- emifiresCAMS
- Biomass burning: CAMS preprocessor
- [program]
(the code is freely available on the CHIMERE web page)
- Backplumes
- Plot backtrajectories using WRF or CHIMERE models outputs.
- [program]
- Characterizing spatial-temporal evolution of atmospheric composition
in the south cone with CHIMERE
- web page
- Towards a new unstructured mesh model
- web page
- Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America and the Carribean
- web page
- Aerosol effects on tropical meteorology
- web page
- Scenarios emissions in the European megacities
- Previous projects
- NETDESA (2020-2022)
Modeling air pollution in stable conditions
- DACCIWA (2014-2018)
Clouds-aerosols interactions in western Africa
- CHARMEX (2013-2016)
Atmospheric Chemistry over the Mediteranean Basin
- APPAD (2012-2015)
Analysis and previsibility of atmospheric aerosols dense plumes
- CHEDAR (2014-2018)
The Laki eruption modeling with WRF and CHIMERE
Maps, scripts, programs , pages in french